Paidomazoma – Communist children abductions in the Greek civil war

Georgios Manoukas was the General Inspector of the Child Gathering and also a former member of KKE (Greek communist Party). He returned in Greece in 1961. 

The author examines Comitern intentions behind its policy towards the children and concludes that from the beginning of the Yugoslav government (Tito) falsified the numbers of these children, integrated them into the population of the Federative Republic of Macedonia, and acculturated them in the new “Macedonian” culture.
I will stay in the parts of his book that mention the connection between East Communists and Slavophone element left Greek Macedonia. I will remain in the term Slavmacedonians to make easy my writing.

Names of the Slavs involved in the Children abductions

One from the 5 member’s council during the Children abduction era was the Slavomacedonian Sikavitsas. This person was responsible for the Slavophone children. In the called Mountain Government (KKE) were two Slavophone “ministers”. Theirs names were Metrovsky and Stavro Kocev.
These Slavophones paid a lot of visits in the places that the children were.. Major point of them was the elimination of the Greek language used by the Greek children.
Their lectures composed of with terms such as Macedonia autonomy, Greece was a creation of the Big Powers, Slavic Macedonians were the only descents of the ancient, Freedom to the occupied Aegean Macedonia from the monarchofasists e.t.c.

Fact 2
Names and places of the Villages and Camps
FYROM propaganda claims all the children were Slavphones. Of course this is a lie. In the book VII, page 26 referred the exactly numbers and the places that kids guided. 18.500 went in the Bulgaria (17 camps), Romania (11 camps), Hungary (11 camps), Czechoslovakia (18 camps), Poland (3 camps), East Germany and Albania ( 5 camps), 9.500 went in Yugoslavia (15 camps). Those numbers and the names are recorded from Red Cross

Fact 3
United Nations Resolutions

On November 17, 1948(193), and also in November 1949 (288) the UN General assembly passes two resolutions condemning the removal of the Greek children, demanding their return. These and all subsequent UN resolutions are never answered. From 1950 to 1952 only 684 children are permitted to return to Greece and this happened because the pressure of the Red Cross and the two new UN Resolutions.

By 1963, around 4000 children (some of them born in Communist countries) have been repatriated. Of those who did not return many died of illness, some escaped to Germany and others have since returned or have yet to return.
In the page 101, Volume 1 you can read all the text of the last Resolution.

FYROM government denies any discussion because they know of the sign past. A past that Slavophone members specially those with the “pseudo-Macedonian” conscience had participated in the child-gathering.

I suggest in anyone to read the work. 600 pages full of information’s from that period. A dark period for the modern Greek History. A period with “janissary” type action directed against Greece.

1)Child Gathering Vol I, The Biggest Crime, Georgios Manoukas, 1961
2)Child Gathering Vol II, Education and Teaching of the kidnapping Greek children, Georgios Manoukas, 1967


Also the first page of the book of Milan Ristovic with title …Long Journey Home ,The Greek Refugges, IMXA 2000



Noting the report submitted by the International Committee of the Red Cross and the League of the Red Cross Societies on the question of the repatriation of Greek children,and expressing warm appreciation of the efforts made by the two International Red Cross organizations to facilitate the implementation of General Assembly resolution 193 (III) C,Noting that the Greek children have not as yet been returned to their homes….

…2.Urges all the Members of the United Nations and other States harbouring the Greek children to make all necessary arrangements, in consultation and co-operation with the international Red Cross organizations,for the early return to their homes of the children with the aforementioned resolution;


 By Akritas and Amarantos


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